A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M -
N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9
B-admissible representation
B-convex space
B, C, K, W system
B4 polytope
B5 polytope
B6 polytope
B7 polytope
B8 polytope
Ba space
Babai's problem
Babenko–Beckner inequality
Babuška–Lax–Milgram theorem
Baby monster group
Baby-step giant-step
Babylonian cuneiform numerals
Babylonian mathematics
Bach's algorithm
Bachmann, Paul Gustav Heinrich
Bachmann–Howard ordinal
Back-and-forth method
Back-of-the-envelope calculation
Backfitting algorithm
Background subtraction
Backtracking line search
Backward chaining
Backward Difference
Backward Euler method
Backward induction
Backward Stability
Badouel intersection algorithm
Baer *-semigroup
Bailey-Borwein-Plouffe Algorithm
Bailey pair
Bailey's method (root finding)
Bailout embedding
Bak–Sneppen model
Baker–Akiezer Functions
Baker–Campbell–Hausdorff formula
Baker's map
Baker's technique
Baker's theorem
Bakhshali manuscript
Balaban 10-cage
Balaban 11-cage
Balance equation
Balanced boolean function
Balanced hypergraph
Balanced matrix
Balanced module
Balanced polygamma function
Balanced prime
Balanced repeated replication
Balanced set
Balanced ternary
Balancing domain decomposition method
Balding–Nichols model
Balian–Low theorem
Balinese numerals
Balinski's theorem
Balkan Mathematical Olympiad
Ball (mathematics)
Ball Line Picking
Ball Point Picking
Ball Tetrahedron Picking
Ball Triangle Picking
Ballieu's Theorem
Ballooning instability
Ballot Problem
Ballpark estimate
Balls and vase problem
Balthasart Projection
Baltic Way (mathematical contest)
Banach–Alaoglu theorem
Banach algebra cohomology
Banach bundle
Banach bundle (non-commutative geometry)
Banach function algebra
Banach game
Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis
Banach lattice
Banach limit
Banach manifold
Banach–Mazur compactum
Banach–Mazur game
Banach measure
Banach space
Banach–Tarski paradox
Banach's matchbox problem
Banaschewski compactification
Band (algebra)
Band (order theory)
Band matrix
Band method
Band model
Band sum
Bandelet (computer science)
Banff International Research Station
Bang's theorem on tetrahedra
Bangdiwala's B
Bangladesh Mathematical Olympiad
Bank condition
Bankoff circle
Bankruptcy problem
Banks–Zaks fixed point
Bar product
Bar recursion
Barabási–Albert model
Baranyai's theorem
Barban–Davenport–Halberstam theorem
Barbell graph
Barber–Johnson diagram
Barber paradox
Barendregt–Geuvers–Klop conjecture
Bargmann–Wigner equations
Barnard's test
Barnes–Hut simulation
Barnes interpolation
Barnes–Wall lattice
Barnette–Bosák–Lederberg graph
Barnette's conjecture
Barnsley fern
Barometric formula
Barotropic vorticity equation
Barratt–Priddy theorem
Barrel shifter
Barrelled set
Barrelled space
Barrett reduction
Barrier certificate
Barrier cone
Barrier resilience
Barrow's inequality
Barsotti–Tate group
Bartels–Stewart algorithm
Bartlett's test
Bartlett's theorem
Bartolozzi Prize
Barwise compactness theorem
Barycentric subdivision
Barycentric-sum problem
Base (exponentiation)
Base (geometry)
Base (topology)
Base-10 logarithm
Base-2 logarithm
Base change
Base change theorems
Base cylinder
Base diameter
Base-e logarithm
Base flow (random dynamical systems)
Base rate
Base rate fallacy
Base ten blocks
Basel problem
Basic affine jump diffusion
Basic element
Basic Elementary Skills Test
Basic feasible solution
Basic hypergeometric series
Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms
Basic Number Theory
Basic skills
Basic solution (linear programming)
Basic subgroup
Basic theorems in algebraic K-theory
Basis (linear algebra)
Basis (universal algebra)
Basis expansion time-frequency analysis
Basis function
Basis pursuit
Basis pursuit denoising
Basis theorem (computability)
Basketball statistician
Basque Center for Applied Mathematics
Bass conjecture
Bass diffusion model
Bass–Quillen conjecture
Bass–Serre theory
Basset–Boussinesq–Oseen equation
Basu's theorem
Batalin–Vilkovisky formalism
Batchelor–Chandrasekhar equation
Batchelor vortex
Bateman equation
Bateman–Grosswald constant
Bateman–Horn conjecture
Bateman Manuscript Project
Bateman transform
Bates distribution
Bathtub curve
Bauer-Fike theorem
Bauer maximum principle
Bauer-Peschl equation
Bauer simplex
Bauerian extension
Baum–Connes conjecture
Baum–Welch algorithm
Baumgartner's axiom
Baumslag–Gersten group
Baumslag group
Baumslag group (disambiguation)
Baxter algebra
Baxter permutation
Bayes error rate
Bayes estimator
Bayes factor
Bayes linear statistics
Bayesian approach
Bayesian Analysis (journal)
Bayesian approaches to brain function
Bayesian average
Bayesian decision function
Bayesian econometrics
Bayesian efficiency
Bayesian estimator
Bayesian estimation of templates in computational anatomy
Bayesian experimental design
Bayesian game
Bayesian hierarchical modeling
Bayesian History Matching
Bayesian inference
Bayesian inference in phylogeny
Bayesian inference using Gibbs sampling
Bayesian information criterion
Bayesian interpretation of kernel regularization
Bayesian linear regression
Bayesian model of computational anatomy
Bayesian model reduction
Bayesian multivariate linear regression
Bayesian network
Bayesian optimization
Bayesian program synthesis
Bayesian programming
Bayesian regret
Bayesian search theory
Bayesian spam filtering
Bayesian structural time series
Bayesian survival analysis
Bayesian theory in marketing
Bayesian tool for methylation analysis
Bayesian vector autoregression
Bazilevich functions
BBGKY hierarchy
BCH code
BCJR algorithm
BCK algebra
BCMP network
Beal conjecture
Beam and Warming scheme
Bean machine
Beautiful Young Minds
Beck–Fiala theorem
Becker-Gottlieb transfer
Beck's theorem
Beck's theorem (geometry)
Beckenbach Book Prize
Beckman-Quarles-type theorems
Bedlam cube
Bedtime Math
Beeman's algorithm
Beer can pyramid
Beer's theorem
Bees algorithm
Beevers–Lipson strip
Behavioral modeling
Behavioral operations research
Behnke-Stein theorem
Behrend function
Behrend sequence
Behrend's trace formula
Behrens–Fisher distribution
Behrens–Fisher problem
Beilinson–Bernstein localization
Beilinson conjectures
Beilinson regulator
Bel decomposition
Bel–Robinson tensor
Belief propagation
Belinfante–Rosenfeld stress–energy tensor
Bell curve (disambiguation)
Bell inequalities
Bell series
Bell-shaped game
Bell triangle
Bell's theorem
Bellard's formula
Bellman equation
Bellman–Ford algorithm
Bellman-Gronwall inequality
Bellman-Harris process
Bellman pseudospectral method
Bellman's lost in a forest problem
Bellows conjecture
Belt problem
Beltrami coordinates
Beltrami-Enneper theorem
Beltrami flow
Beltrami identity
Beltrami–Klein model
Beltrami vector field
Beltrami's theorem
Belyi's theorem
Benacerraf's identification problem
Bender–Dunne polynomials
Bender–Knuth involution
Bender's method
Benders decomposition
Bendixson's inequality
Benedict–Webb–Rubin equation
Beneš method
Benford's law
Bengali numerals
Benini distribution
Benjamin–Bona–Mahony equation
Benjamin Drake Wright
Benjamin-Feir instability
Benjamin Graham formula
Benktander type I distribution
Benktander type II distribution
Bennett's inequality
Bennett, Alpert, and Goldstein’s S
Bent function
Bentley–Ottmann algorithm
Benz plan
Beraha constants
Beremiz Samir
Berezin integral
Berge conjecture
Berge knot
Berge's lemma
Berger code
Berger inequality
Berger inequality (disambiguation)
Berger–Kazdan comparison theorem
Berger's inequality for Einstein manifolds
Bergman integral operator
Bergman–Shilov boundary
Bergman–Weil representation
Berkeley cardinal
Berkovich space
Berkson error model
Berkson's paradox
Berlekamp–Rabin algorithm
Berlekamp switching game
Berlekamp–Welch algorithm
Berlekamp–Zassenhaus algorithm
Berlekamp's algorithm
Berlin Mathematical School
Berlin Papyrus
Berlin Papyrus 6619
Berlin workshops on Babylonian mathematics
Berman class
Berman flow
Berman–Hartmanis conjecture
Bernays–Schönfinkel class
Bernoulli differential equation
Bernoulli distribution
Bernoulli excursion
Bernoulli family
Bernoulli method
Bernoulli polynomials
Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind
Bernoulli process
Bernoulli sampling
Bernoulli scheme
Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability
Bernoulli trials
Bernoulli's inequality
Bernoulli's principle
Bernoulli's triangle
Bernstein-Baskakov-Kantorovich operator
Bernstein–Rogosinski summation method
Bernstein–von Mises theorem
Berry-Esseen inequality
Bers space
Bertini theorems
Bertrand, Joseph Louis François
Bertrand–Diquet–Puiseux theorem
Bertrand criterion
Bertrand paradox
Berwald connection
Berwick, William Edward Hodgson
Besicovitch, Abram Samoilovitch
Besicovitch-Federer projection theorem
Besicovitch theorem
Bessel interpolation formula
Bessel processes
Bessel system
Best linear unbiased prediction
Best response
BEST theorem
Best, worst and average case
Beta-binomial distribution
Beta rectangular distribution
Beta skeleton
Beta thalassemia
Beta wavelet
Beta rectangular distribution
Beta skeleton
Beta thalassemia
Beta wavelet
Beth definability theorem
Beth number
Bethe ansatz
Bethe lattice
Bethe-Sommerfeld conjecture
Betti group
Betti reciprocal theorem
Betti's theorem
Between-group design
Betweenness centrality
Beurling algebra
Beurling factorization
Beurling zeta function
Beverton–Holt model
Beyer Chair of Applied Mathematics
Bézier curve
Bézier spline
Bézier surface
Bézier triangle
Bézout domain
Bézout's identity
Bézout's theorem
BFGS method
BFSS conjecture
Bharati Krishna Tirtha
Bharati Krishna Tirtha's Vedic mathematics
Bhargava cube
Bhargava factorial
Bhaskara I's sine approximation formula
Bhaskara's lemma
Bhaskaracharya Pratishthana
Bhatia–Davis inequality
Bhattacharyya angle
Bhattacharyya distance
BHHH algorithm
Bhutasamkhya system
Bi-directional delay line
Bi-quinary coded decimal
Bianconi–Barabási model
Biangular coordinates
Bias (statistics)
Bias of an estimator
Biased graph
Biased representation (arithmetics)
BIBO stability
Bicentric quadrilateral
Bicircular matroid
Bickley jet
Bickley–Naylor functions
Biclique-free graph
Biconcave disc
Biconditional elimination
Biconditional introduction
Biconjugate gradient method
Biconjugate gradient stabilized method
Biconnected component
Biconnected graph
Biconvex optimization
Bicubic interpolation
Bicupola (geometry)
Bicuspid curve
Bicycle and motorcycle dynamics
Bicyclic semigroup
Bidiakis cube
Bidirected graph
Bidirectional search
Bidirectional transformation
Bidomain model
Bifurcation locus
Bifurcation memory
Big-little-big lemma
Big M method
Big Numbers (comics)
Big O in probability notation
Big O notation
Big Omega function
Big Omega function (disambiguation)
Bigyrate diminished rhombicosidodecahedron
Biharmonic Bézier surface
Biharmonic equation
Biharmonic map
Bijection, injection and surjection
Bijective numeration
Bijective proof
Bilateral hypergeometric series
Bilevel optimization
Bilinear interpolation
Bilinear map
Bilinear program
Bilinear quadrilateral element
Bilinear time–frequency distribution
Bilinear transform
Bilinski dodecahedron
Bimagic square
Bin (computational geometry)
Bin packing problem
Binary and
Binary antilogarithm
Binary classification
Binary-coded decimal
Binary combinatory logic
Binary decision diagram
Binary dihedral group
Binary entropy function
Binary erasure channel
Binary expression tree
Binary function
Binary game
Binary GCD algorithm
Binary Golay code
Binary Goppa code
Binary icosahedral group
Binary logarithm
Binary matroid
Binary multiplier
Binary octahedral group
Binary operation
Binary polyhedral group
Binary prefix
Binary quadratic form
Binary regression
Binary search tree
Binary space partitioning
Binary splitting
Binary symmetric channel
Binary tetrahedral group
Binary tree
Binet–Cauchy identity
Bing–Borsuk conjecture
Bing metrization theorem
Bing shrinking
Bing's recognition theorem
Bing's theorem
Bing's theorem (disambiguation)
Bingham distribution
Bingham plastic
Binomial (polynomial)
Binomial approximation
Binomial differential equation
Binomial distribution
Binomial heap
Binomial number
Binomial process
Binomial proportion confidence interval
Binomial QMF
Binomial regression
Binomial ring
Binomial series
Binomial sum variance inequality
Binomial test
Binomial theorem
Binomial transform
Binomial type
Bioche's rules
Biological applications of bifurcation theory
Biologically inspired algorithms
Biology Monte Carlo method
Biometrics (journal)
Biordered set
Biorthogonal system
Biorthogonal wavelet
Biostatistics (journal)
Biot–Tolstoy–Medwin diffraction model
Bipartite dimension
Bipartite double cover
Bipartite graph
Bipartite half
Bipartite hypergraph
Bipartite matroid
Bipartite realization problem
Bipolar coordinates
Bipolar cylindrical coordinates
Bipolar orientation
Bipolar theorem
Biquadratic field
Biquaternion algebra
Birational invariant
Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture
Birch–Tate conjecture
Birch's theorem
Birectified 16-cell honeycomb
Biregular graph
Birkhoff algorithm
Birkhoff–Grothendieck theorem
Birkhoff interpolation
Birkhoff–Kellogg invariant-direction theorem
Birkhoff's axioms
Birkhoff's representation theorem
Birkhoff's theorem (electromagnetism)
Birkhoff's theorem (relativity)
Birla Industrial & Technological Museum
Birman–Wenzl algebra
Birnbaum–Orlicz space
Birnbaum–Saunders distribution
Birth-death process
Birthday attack
Birthday problem
Biryukov equation
Bisected hexagonal tiling
Bisection method
Bishop-Cannings theorem
Bishop–Gromov inequality
Bishop–Phelps theorem
Bispherical coordinates
Bistable structure
Bistritz stability criterion
Bisymmetric matrix
BIT Numerical Mathematics
BIT predicate
Bit-reversal permutation
Bitangents of a quartic
Bitonic tour
Bitopological space
Bitruncated 16-cell honeycomb
Bitruncated 24-cell honeycomb
Bitruncated cubic honeycomb
Bitruncated tesseractic honeycomb
Bitwise operation
Bivariant theory
Bivariate analysis
Bivariate data
Bivariate von Mises
Bivariegated graph
Bivector (complex)
Biweight midcorrelation
Björling problem
BKM algorithm
Bivector (complex)
Biweight midcorrelation
Björling problem
BKM algorithm
Black box model of power converter
Black box theory
Black–Karasinski model
Black model
Black-oil equations
Black Path Game
Black–Scholes model
Black swan theory
Black triangle (badge)
Black triangle (disambiguation)
Blackboard bold
Blackwell channel
Blackwell–Tapia prize
Blade (geometry)
Blade element theory
Blahut–Arimoto algorithm
Blake canonical form
Blakers–Massey theorem
Blancmange curve
Blancmange function
Bland's rule
Blankenship–Oporowski conjecture
Blanuša snarks
Blaschke–Lebesgue theorem
Blaschke product
Blaschke selection theorem
Blaschke sum
Blasius boundary layer
Blau space
Blind deconvolution
Blind signal separation
Blinder–Oaxaca decomposition
BLIS (software)
Bloch function
Bloch group
Bloch space
Bloch sphere
Bloch wave
Bloch wave – MoM method
Bloch's formula
Bloch's higher Chow group
Bloch's principle
Bloch's theorem
Bloch's theorem (complex variables)
Bloch's theorem (disambiguation)
Block (permutation group theory)
Block cellular automaton
Block code
Block design
Block graph
Block Lanczos algorithm
Block LU decomposition
Block matrix pseudoinverse
Block reflector
Block-stacking problem
Block walking
Block Wiedemann algorithm
Blockbusting (game)
Blocking (statistics)
Blocking set
Blossom (functional)
Blossom algorithm
Blossom tree (graph theory)
Blowing up
Blue and Brown Books
Blue sky catastrophe
Blum axiom
Blum's speedup theorem
Blumenthal Award
Blumenthal's zero–one law
Blunt cone (mathematics)
Board puzzles with algebra of binary variables
Boas–Buck polynomials
Boat (drawing)
Bôcher Memorial Prize
Bôcher's theorem
Bochner–Kodaira–Nakano identity
Bochner identity
Bochner integral
Bochner–Kodaira–Nakano identity
Bochner–Martinelli formula
Bochner measurable function
Bochner–Riesz mean
Bochner space
Bochner's formula
Bockstein spectral sequence
Bode plot
Body-part counting system
Body surface area
Boerdijk–Coxeter helix
Bogacki–Shampine method
Bogdanov–Takens bifurcation
Boggio's formula
Bogomol'nyi–Prasad–Sommerfield bound
Bogomolny equations
Bogomolov conjecture
Bogomolov–Miyaoka–Yau inequality
Böhm tree
Bohr compactification
Bohr–Mollerup theorem
Bohr–van Leeuwen theorem
Bollinger Bands
Bollobás–Riordan polynomial
Boltzmann distribution
Boltzmann equation
Boltzmann sampler
Bolyai Prize
Bolza surface
Bolzano–Weierstrass theorem
Bombieri–Friedlander–Iwaniec theorem
Bombieri–Lang conjecture
Bombieri norm
Bombieri–Vinogradov theorem
Bombieri's theorem
Bombieri's theorem (disambiguation)
Bond convexity
Bond fluctuation model
Bond graph
Bondage number
Bondi–Metzner–Sachs group
Bondy's theorem
Bonferroni correction
Bonnesen's inequality
Bony–Brezis theorem
Book (graph theory)
Book embedding
Book of Lemmas
Book of Optics
Book on Numbers and Computation
Boole polynomials
Boole's expansion theorem
Boole's inequality
Boole's rule
Boole's syllogistic
Boolean algebra (disambiguation)
Boolean algebra (structure)
Boolean algebras canonically defined
Boolean analysis
Boolean circuit
Boolean conjunctive query
Boolean data type
Boolean delay equation
Boolean differential calculus
Boolean domain
Boolean expression
Boolean function
Boolean grammar
Boolean matrix
Boolean model (probability theory)
Boolean model of information retrieval
Boolean operations on polygons
Boolean prime ideal theorem
Boolean Pythagorean triples problem
Boolean ring
Boolean satisfiability algorithm heuristics
Boolean satisfiability problem
Boolean-valued function
Boolean-valued model
Booth's multiplication algorithm
Bootstrap aggregating
Bootstrap error-adjusted single-sample technique
Bootstrapping (statistics)
Bootstrapping populations
Borchers algebra
Borda–Carnot equation
Borel's theorem on power series
Borel–Cantelli lemma
Borel–Carathéodory theorem
Borel conjecture
Borel–de Siebenthal theory
Borel determinacy theorem
Borel distribution
Borel equivalence relation
Borel fixed-point theorem
Borel functional calculus
Borel hierarchy
Borel isomorphism
Borel–Kolmogorov paradox
Borel measure
Borel–Moore homology
Borel regular measure
Borel right process
Borel set
Borel subalgebra
Borel subgroup
Borel summation
Borel transform
Borel transform (disambiguation)
Borel–Weil–Bott theorem
Borel's lemma
Borel's theorem
Borell–Brascamp–Lieb inequality
Borell–TIS inequality
Born–Huang approximation
Born–Oppenheimer approximation
Born reciprocity
Born–von Karman boundary condition
Bornivorous set
Bornological space
Borromean rings
Borsuk–Ulam theorem
Borsuk's conjecture
Borůvka's algorithm
Borwein integral
Borwein's algorithm
Bosanquet equation
Bose–Einstein statistics
Bose–Mesner algebra
BOSS (molecular mechanics)
Bost–Connes system
Bott cannibalistic class
Bott periodicity theorem
Bott residue formula
Bott–Samelson resolution
Böttcher's equation
Bottleneck traveling salesman problem
Bottom type
Bouncing ball
Bound graph
Boundary (topology)
Boundary-incompressible surface
Boundary knot method
Boundary parallel
Boundary particle method
Boundary tracing
Bounded arithmetic
Bounded complete poset
Bounded deformation
Bounded expansion
Bounded function
Bounded growth
Bounded inverse theorem
Bounded mean oscillation
Bounded operator
Bounded quantifier
Bounded set
Bounded set (topological vector space)
Bounded type (mathematics)
Bounded variation
Boundedly generated group
Boundedness (disambiguation)
Bounding interval hierarchy
Bounding point
Bounding sphere
Bounding volume
Bounding volume hierarchy
Bouquet graph
Bourbaki dangerous bend symbol
Bourbaki–Witt theorem
Bousfield class
Bousfield localization
Boussinesq approximation (water waves)
Boussinesq type equation
Boustrophedon transform
Bow curve
Bow tie (biology)
Bowyer–Watson algorithm
Box counting
Box-counting content
Box–Cox distribution
Box–Jenkins method
Box–Muller transform
Box plot
Box spline
Box topology
Box's M test
Boxcar function
Boxing the compass
Boy or Girl paradox
BPL (complexity)
BPP (complexity)
Bra–ket notation
Bracket (mathematics)
Bracket algebra
Bracket ring
Bradford's law
Bradley–Terry model
Braess's paradox
Bragg plane
Brahmagupta–Fibonacci identity
Brahmagupta's formula
Brahmagupta's identity
Brahmagupta's interpolation formula
Brahmagupta's problem
Brahmi numerals
Braid theory
Braided Hopf algebra
Braided monoidal category
Braided vector space
Braikenridge–Maclaurin theorem
Bramble (graph theory)
Bramble–Hilbert lemma
Brams–Taylor procedure
Brams–Taylor–Zwicker procedure
Branch and cut
Branch and price
Branch point
Branched manifold
Branched surface
Branching CORDIC
Branching factor
Branching process
Branching quantifier
Branching random walk
Branching theorem
Brandt matrix
Brandt semigroup
Brascamp–Lieb inequality
Bratteli diagram
Bratteli–Vershik diagram
Brauer algebra
Brauer group
Brauer–Wall group
Brauer's theorem
Brauer's theorem on forms
Brauer's theorem on induced characters
Brauer's three main theorem
Bravais lattice
Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics
Brazilian Mathematical Society
Brazilian Mathematical Society Award
Breadth-first search
Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics
Breath gas analysis
Bred vector
Bredon cohomology
Bregman divergence
Bregman method
Brennan conjecture
Brent's method
Bresenham's line algorithm
Bretschneider's formula
Breusch–Godfrey test
Breusch–Pagan test
Brewer sum
Brewster's angle
Brian's Brain
Brianchon's theorem
Bricard octahedron
Bridge (graph theory)
Bridge and torch problem
Bridge number
Bridge probabilities
Bridgeland stability condition
Brier score
Brieskorn–Grothendieck resolution
Brieskorn manifold
Briggs–Bers criterion
Briggsian logarithm
Brill–Noether theory
Bring radical
Bring's curve
Brinkmann graph
British flag theorem
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology
British Mathematical Olympiad
British Mathematical Olympiad Subtrust
British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics
British Society for the History of Mathematics
Brjuno number
Brocard points
Brocard triangle
Broer–Kaup equations
Broken diagonal
Broken space diagonal
Bron–Kerbosch algorithm
Bronshtein and Semendyayev
Brooks–Iyengar algorithm
Brooks' theorem
Brouwer fixed-point theorem
Brouwer–Haemers graph
Brouwer–Heyting–Kolmogorov interpretation
Brouwer–Hilbert controversy
Brouwer Medal
Brouwer's conjecture
Browder–Minty theorem
Brown–Forsythe test
Brown–Gibson model
Brown–Gitler spectrum
Brown measure
Brown numbers
Brown–Peterson cohomology
Brown's representability theorem
Brownian bridge
Brownian dynamics
Brownian excursion
Brownian meander
Brownian motion
Brownian motion of sol particles
Brownian surface
Brownian tree
Brownian web
Broyden's method
BRST algorithm
BRST quantization
Bruck–Ryser–Chowla theorem
Brun sieve
Brun–Titchmarsh theorem
Brun's constant
Brun's theorem
Brunel Institute of Computational Mathematics
Brunnian link
Bruss–Duerinckx theorem
Brute force attack
Bruun's FFT algorithm
Bryan Magee
Buchberger's algorithm
Buchdahl's theorem
Buchholz psi functions
Büchi arithmetic
Büchi automaton
Büchi's problem
Bucket evaluations
Buckingham π theorem
Buckley–Leverett equation
Buckmaster equation
Budan's theorem
Budapest Semesters in Mathematics
Buekenhout geometry
Bueno-Orovio–Cherry–Fenton model
Buffon's needle problem
Buffon's noodle
Bühlmann model
Building (mathematics)
Building automation
Bulgarian solitaire
Bulirsch–Stoer algorithm
Bulk queue
Bull graph
Bullet-nose curve
Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France
Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society
Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society
Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute
Bullough–Dodd model
Bully algorithm
Bump and hole
Bunce–Deddens algebra
Bunch–Nielsen–Sorensen formula
Bunched logic
Bunching parameter
Bundle (mathematics)
Bundle gerbe
Bundle map
Bundle metric
Bundle of principal parts
Bundle theorem
Bunyakovsky conjecture
Burau representation
Burchnall–Chaundy theory
Burgers vector
Burgers' equation
Burke's theorem
Burkhardt quartic
Burkill integral
Burmese numerals
Burnside category
Burnside problem
Burnside's lemma
Burnside's theorem
Burr distribution
Burrows–Abadi–Needham logic
Burrows–Wheeler transform
Burst error
Burst error-correcting code
Bus bunching
Busemann function
Busemann G-space
Busemann–Petty problem
Busemann's theorem
Business mathematics
Business statistics
Bussgang theorem
Busy beaver --
Butcher group
Butler group
Butson-type Hadamard matrix
Butterfly curve (transcendental)
Butterfly curve (algebraic)
Butterfly diagram
Butterfly effect
Butterfly effect in popular culture
Butterfly graph
Butterfly theorem
Buzen's algorithm
By inspection
Bygrave slide rule
Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics