

Triton and Amphitrite-Group. Nereids, fifty daughters of Doris and their father Nereus are nymphs of the sea. Some of the better known are Thetis, the mother of Achilles, Galatea, who was loved by the Cyclops Polyphemus and Amphitrite. Amphitrite is the wife of Poseidon. Her son is Triton. Nereus was distinguished for his knowledge, and his love of truth and justice. The gift of prophecy was ascribed to him. A fearful giant is hit by the horselike hoof of Triton, the god of the sea. Another giant? carries a lion head that he puts against Triton. Another giant puts with his hand around Triton while he is pressed against the wall. Amphitrite on the right side fights against another giant.

Nereus and his wife Doris (the parents of the Nereids), a giant , Okeanos, other giants (Another Image)



Nymphs and Maia (only fragments)


Dionysos with a Satyr. Dionysos (from Dio or Zeus and Nysa a mountain) the Greek god of wine was viewed as the promoter of civilization, a lawgiver, and lover of peace - as well as the patron deity of both agriculture and the theater. Maybe this explains why he was so important for the victory of the gods (representing civilization and culture) in the fight against the violent raw giants. The Attalids dedicated a temple to Dionysos in Theben who was considered to be with their side when the Gauls who attacked Pergamon 166 BC were defeated.

Zeus in Exile: Archaeological Restitution as Politics of Memory

From Pergamon to Sperlonga: Sculpture and Context (Hellenistic Culture and Society)- by Langford Conference of the Department of Classics 1997 Florida State (Corporate Author), Nancy Thomson De Grummond (Editor), Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway (Editor) University of California Press ( 2001) ISBN: 0520223276

Ancient Greece

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