
HNDGS "Hellenic National Defense General Staff" (GEETHA)

Military of Greece

20 May 1825, Battle at Maniaki, Panagiotis Zografos, Papaflessas and his men against an Egyptian army of Ibrahim Pasha


Greek War of Independence

Naval battles

Greek : Ελληνικός στόλος - 1821

Battle of Navarino

Fire ships


Papamalekos and other Cretan fighters, Cretan Revolution

Battle at Velestino

Greek armored cruiser Georgios Averof

Greco-Turkish War (1897)

Greek Struggle for Macedonia

First Balkan War

Battle of Kilkis-Lahanas 21.6.1913

Battle of Giannitsa

Battle of Pente Pigadia

Battle of Sarantaporo

Greco-Turkish War (1919-1922)

Battle of Inonu

Battle of the Sakarya

Greco-Italian War

Battle of Greece

Equipment of the Hellenic Air Force

Equipment of the Hellenic Army

Hellenic Navy Ships

Greek destroyer Hydra (D 97)

Greek destroyer Spetsai (D 98)

Greek destroyer Kountouriotis (D 99)

Greek: Ελληνικός στόλος - 1940

Greek military ranks


George Sirian


George Dilboy American Hero, a Greek from Smyrna


Wilhelm Leopold Colmar Freiherr von der Goltz , German military expert who organized the Ottoman Army against the Greeks


Pavlos Melas

Konstantinos Smolenskis


Michail Moutousis, military pilot


Alexandros Karamanlakis (+ end of August.1912 near Stomio/ Evrostina)

Nikolaos Votsis, destroyed with a torpedo 18.10.1912 the Turkish corvette "Fetih-i-Bulend" (turkish word for "good victory") in the harbour of Thessaloniki

SPIROS STEVE PISANOS , “The Flying Greek”(Σπύρος Πίσανος )

Vassilis 'Vass' Vassiliades (1920-1945)


Ioannis Agorastos "John" Plagis

Air War in Greece 1940-41

The Greek PZL fighters

List of Air Aces (Greece), 1941 - 45

Nike-Hercules, an American surface-to-air missile named after Greek Mythology characters, used by the Greek army

A photo of the NATO missile range on the Island of Crete taken on the Hipar radar tower in 1969.

Photograph taken at the Crete missile range, second to the last launch by the 118th, Royal Dutch Air Force Squadron in 1987.

Images of Ships and Information about the Hellenic Navy (WWII)


Cost of Military in Greece:

1988 : 1 355 millions Euro
1992 : 2 452 millions Euro
1995 : 3 438 millions Euro
2000 : 5 921 millions Euro
2003 : 6 309 millions Euro


Greek Troops

Women support of the soldiers, poster of the artist Vasso Katraki, "Panagia with him"

Alexandros Alexandrakis paintings

Modern Sacred Band (Ιερός Λόχος) during WW II (Probably without intention 2 men are shown, it was not an "Army of Lovers" like in ancient Thebes ). The Sacred Band symbol includes an inscription "I tan i epi tas" ( Either come back with [your shield], or on it)

Ancient Greece

Science, Technology , Medicine , Warfare, , Biographies , Life , Cities/Places/Maps , Arts , Literature , Philosophy ,Olympics, Mythology , History , Images

Medieval Greece / Byzantine Empire

Science, Technology, Arts, , Warfare , Literature, Biographies, Icons, History

Modern Greece

Cities, Islands, Regions, Fauna/Flora ,Biographies , History , Warfare, Science/Technology, Literature, Music , Arts , Film/Actors , Sport , Fashion



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