
Ion of Chios was a versatile writer, dramatist, lyric poet and philosopher in Ancient Greece. Of his forty or fifty plays only a few titles and fragments have come down to us, while of his elegies and dithyrambs nothing has been preserved. He also wrote a work which has been counted as 'philosophical', its title, Triagmos (or Triagmoi), and the few surviving fragments (no. 36 Diels-Kranz) suggesting it had pythagorean leanings. He was a friend of Socrates and contemporary with all the three great dramatists, winning the third prize in the contest where Euripides was first with his Hyppolytus. In commemoration of this not very glorious victory he presented each Athenian citizen with a flask of Chian wine.

Pausanias: I know that a hymn to Opportunity is one of the poems of Ion of Chios; in the hymn Opportunity is made out to be the youngest child of Zeus.

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