The Ephebe (Young man) of Antikythera (Έφηβος των Αντικυθήρων), 340 BC. Bronze statue found in the sea off the island of Antikythera created in Polykleitos tradition. Many think that it is the work of Kleon of Sikyon or a work of Euphranor. Some believe that it shows actually Paris (called also Alexandros, a brother of Hektor), the well known person from the Trojan war, holding the apple.
The Ephebe in parts soon after the discovery

The Ephebe (Young man, maybe Hermes) from Marathon (Έφηβος του Μαραθώνα). Found 1926 at the Marathon bay. A work of the school of Praxiteles ca. 340/330 BC, bronze. A late classical work National Museum, Athens.
Ephebe of Marathon
The Techniques of Bronze Statuary in Ancient Greece
Ancient Greece
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