Group of Russian painters. St. Petersburg. Andrei I. Denier, 1888. Among others: Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin, Ilya Yefimovich Repin, Archip Ivanovic Kuindzi, Nikolay Nikanorovich Dubovskoy, AA Kiselev, E.E. Volkov, A.K. Begrov, Viktor Vasnetsov , Nikolai Dmitriyevich Kuznetsov , V.N. Maksimov. MA Bryulov, L.V. Pozen, MA Mrosenko, N.A. Savickij, V.E. Mamovsky and N.K. Bodarevsky.
Abramofsky, Israel
Abugov, Semion
Afanasyev, Aleksey Fyodorovich
Afonina, Taisia

Aivazovsky Ivan Konstantinovich
Akimov, Ivan
Alekseyev, Fyodor
Alexandrovsky, Stepan
Altman, Nathan
Anisfeld, Boris Izrailovich
Annenkov, Jury
Anokhin, Nikolay
Antropov, Aleksey
Archipenko Alexander
Argunov, Ivan Petrovich
Argunov , Nikolai Ivanovich

Arkhipov, Abram Efimovich
Astori, Constantin
Bakst, Leon
Bantikov, Andrei
Bashkirtseff, Marie
Basin, Pyotr
Baykova, Evgenia
Belov, Yuri
Belsky, Alexei Ivanovich
Belsky, Ivan Ivanovich
Benois, Alexandre
Bilibin, Ivan
Blonskaya, Seraphima
Bogaevsky, Konstantin
Bogdanov-Belsky, Nikolay
Bogolyubov, Alexey Petrovich
Borisov, Veniamin
Borisov-Musatov, Victor
Borovikovsky, Vladimir

Briullov, Karl
Brodsky Isaak
Caravaque, Louis
Chekhov, Nikolai
Christinek, Carl-Ludwig
Drozhdin , Pyotr
Fedotov, Pavel Andreyevich
Gavrilov, Fyodor
Ge, Nikolai Nikolayevich
Golynsky, Vasili Andreyevich
Gruzinsky, Pyotr Nikolayevich

Harlamoff, Alexei Alexeivich

Ivanov, Alexander Andreyevich
Ivanov, Sergei Vasilyevich
Jacobi, Valery Ivanovich
Jacovleff, Alexandre Yevgenievich
Kamenev, Lev Lvovich
Kandinsky, Wassily
Kapkov, Yakov Fyodorovich
Karazin, Nikolay
Kardovsky, Dmitry
Kasatkin, Nikolay
Khudyakov, Vasily
Kiprensky, Orest
Kiselyov, Alexander
Klever, Julius von
Kliun, Ivan
Kolendas, Pavel
Kolesnikoff, Stepan
Kolokolnikov-Voronin, Yakov
Kolyada, Sergei
Konchalovsky, Pyotr
Kondrashin, Boris
Korin, Aleksey
Korin, Pavel Dmitriyevich

Korovin, Konstantin Alekseyevich
Korovin, Sergei
Korzukhin, Alexey
Koshelev, Nikolay
Kossiakoff, Georges
Kotarbinsky, Vasily (Wilhelm) Alexandrovich
Kousnetzoff, Constantin
Kovalevsky, Pavel Osipovich

Kramskoy, Ivan Nikolayevich
Krymov, Nikolay
Kryzhitsky, Konstantin

Kuindzhi, Arkhip Ivanovich

Ladyzhensky, Gennady
Lebedev, Klavdi Vasilievich
Lemokh, Kirill
Levitan, Isaac Ilyich
Lissitzky, El
Lissner, Ernst

Makovsky , Konstantin Yegorovich
Makovsky, Vladimir Yegorovich

Maximov, Vasily Maximovich
Musikiysky, Grigory

Nesterov , Mikhail Vasilyevich
Orlov, Boris
Ostrovsky, Grigory
Pasternak, Leonid
Pavlov, Kapiton

Perov, Vasily Grigorevich
Pervukhin, Konstantin
Platonov, Khariton
Pleshanov, Pavel

Polenov, Vasily Dmitrievich
Polenova, Yelena

Popova, Lyubov Sergeievna
Pukirev, Vasily Vladimirovich

Repin, Ilya Efimovich
Rokotov, Fyodor Stepanovich
Russian wood cutter 18 century
Russian wood cutter from the Monastery of Solowezkij 1677
Russian wood cutter of the 1st Half of the 18th century
Russian wood cutter of the 2nd Half of the 18th century
Russian wood cutter of the mid-18th century
Russian wood cutter of the mid-18th century
Russian wood cutter of the 1st Quarter of the 18th century
Russian wood cutter of the 18th century
Russian wood cutter of the 19th century
Russian wood cutter of the 2nd Quarter of the 17th century
Russian wood cutter of the 2nd Quarter of the 18th century
Russian wood cutter around 1640
Russian wood cutter around 1730
Russian wood cutter around 1800
Russian wood cutter from 1 Quarter of the 18th century
Russian wood cutter from the early 18th century
Russian wood cutter from the end of the 18th century
Russian wood cutter from the end of the 17th century
Russian engraver of the first Half of the 19th of the century
Russian engraver of the first Half of the 18th century
Russian engraver of the second Half of the 18th century
Russian engraver of the mid 18th century
Russian engraver of the 18th century
Russian engraver of the 19th century
Russian engraver around 1725
Russian engraver around 1760
Russian engraver around 1770
Russian engraver around 1790
Russian engraver around 1813
Russian engraver around 1834
Russian engraver from the early 18th century
Russian engraver of the early 19th century
Russian engraver of the late 17th century
Russian engraver of the late 18th century
Russian Lithographer of the mid-19th century
Russian Lithographer of the 19th century
Russian Lithographer 1853
Russian Lithographer 1854
Russian Lithographer 1855
Russian Lithographer 1857
Russian Lithographer 1858
Russian Lithographer 1870
Russov, Lev
Sadovnikov, Vasily
Samokysh-Sudkovskaya, Elena
Sapunov, Nikolai
Sauerweid, Nikolay

Savitsky, Konstantin
Savrasov, Alexei Kondratyevich
Sazonov, Vasily
Schatz, Boris
Scotti, Mikhail
Sedov, Grigory

Serov, Valentin Alexandrovich
Shamshin, Pyotr
Shanks, Emily
Shchedrin, Semyon Fyodorovich
Shchedrin, Sylvester
Shcherbinovsky, Dmitry
Shibanov, Mikhail

Shishkin, Ivan Ivanovich
Simov, Viktor
Sinodi-Popov, Dmitri
Slavyansky, Fyodor
Smirnov, Vasily Sergeyevich
Sokolov, Alexander Petrovich
Sokolov, Alexander Ivanovich
Sokolov, Pavel Petrovich
Solomatkin, Leonid
Solomko, Sergey
Soroka, Grigory Vasilyevich
Sorokin, Pavel
Stepanov, Alexei
Strukov, Dmitry
Stupin, Rafael
Sukhodolsky, Pyotr Alexandrovich
Sukhovo-Kobylina, Sofia
Surikov , Vasily Ivanovich
Svedomsky, Pavel
Sverchkov, Nikolai
Svetoslavsky, Serhiy
Svinyin, Pavel
Sychkov, Fedot
Terebenev, Ivan Ivanovich

Tolstoy, Fyodor Petrovich
Tomsky, Nikolai
Tropinin, Vasily
Tyranov, Alexei Vasilievich
Ugryumov, Grigory Ivanovich

Ushakov, Simon Fyodorovich
Vasilyev, Fyodor Alexandrovich

Vasnetsov, Viktor Mikhaylovich
Venetsianov, Alexey Gavrilovich

Vereshchagin, Vasily
Vishnyakov, Ivan Yakovlevich
Vladimirov, Ivan
Volkov, Efim
Vorobiev, Maxim
Vrubel, Mikhail
Yaroshenko, Mykola
Zadkine Ossip
Zakharov-Chechenets, Pyotr
Zankovsky, Ilya Nikolaevich
Zaryanko, Sergey Konstantinovich
Zeitlin Alexander
Zelentsov, Kapiton
Zeydenberg, Savely
Zhivago, Semen
Zhukovsky, Stanislav
Zhuravlev, Firs
Zubov , Alexey
Fine Art Prints | Greeting Cards | iPhone Cases | Tote Bags | Clothing | Lifestyle | Beach ...
Russian genre painting in the nineteenth century, Rosalind Polly Gray, Rosalind Polly Blakesley
Centaur: the life and art of Ernst Neizvestny, Albert Leong
Recovering the icon: the life & work of Leonid Ouspensky, Patrick Doolan
The artist as producer: Russian constructivism in revolution, Maria Gough
The struggle for utopia: Rodchenko, Lissitzky, Moholy-Nagy : 1917-1946 , Victor Margolin
The uncommon vision of Sergei Konenkov, 1874-1971: a Russian sculptor and his times, Sergeĭ Timofeevich Konenkov, Marie Turbow Lampard, John E. Bowlt, Wendy R. Salmond
The Art and Artists of Russia
Views of Russia & Russian Works on Paper, Roy Bolton (ed.)
See also
Рисунок. Наброски и зарисовки ВС Кузин
Artist by Nationality
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A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M -
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Paintings, List
Zeichnungen, Gemälde
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