C. Maurice Patterson also known as Pat or Maurice Patterson (24 December 1913 – 21 May 1989) a pioneer in the establishment of health physics as a profession.[1][2][3]
Health Physics Society

Patterson was a key member in the formation of the Health Physics Society and represented the Savannah River Project.[4][5]

Founding member and Director
Representative from Savannah River Project
President, 1962
Founders Award, 1979
Fellow, 1984
Diplomat, American Board of Health Physics


Patterson, C. M. (1958). Proceedings U. N. Intern. Conf. Peaceful Uses Atomic Energy, 2nd, Geneva, 23: 295.
Monitoring of tritium in gases, liquids, and in the environment.[6]
Environmental Radiation at the Start[7]


Reinig, William C. "Environmental Radioactivity On and Near the Savannah River Site Before the Start of Nuclear Operations." Prepared for the US Department of Energy Under Contract No. DE-ACO9-96SR18500 Westinghouse Savannah River Company Savannah River Site, Aiken, SC 29808: 265.
Patterson, C. M. (1987). Environmental Radiation at the Start, USDOE Report DP-1745, Savannah River Site, Aiken, SC 29808.
Reinig, William C. (July/August 1989). C.M. Patterson 1913-1989. HPS Newsletter, XVII(7/8): 19-20.
"News of Science". Science. 122 (15 July 1955): 112–117. 15 July 1955. doi:10.1126/science.122.3159.112. PMID 17751437.
Reinig, William C. (July/August 1989). C.M. Patterson 1913-1989. HPS Newsletter, XVII(7/8): 19-20.
Marter, W.L. and C. M. Patterson. (1971). Monitoring of tritium in gases, liquids, and in the environment. Transactions, Amer. Nucl. Soc. 14(1): 162-163.
Patterson, C. M. (1987). Environmental Radiation at the Start, USDOE Report DP-1745, Savannah River Site, Aiken, SC 29808.

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