The vibrational partition function[1] traditionally refers to the component of the canonical partition function resulting from the vibrational degrees of freedom of a system. The vibrational partition function is only well-defined in model systems where the vibrational motion is relatively uncoupled with the system's other degrees of freedom.


For a system (such as a molecule or solid) with uncoupled vibrational modes the vibrational partition function is defined by

\( {\displaystyle Q_{vib}(T)=\prod _{j}{\sum _{n}{e^{-{\frac {E_{j,n}}{k_{B}T}}}}}} \)

where } T is the absolute temperature of the system, \( k_{B} \) is the Boltzmann constant, and \( {\displaystyle E_{j,n}} \) is the energy of j'th mode when it has vibrational quantum number \( {\displaystyle n=0,1,2,\ldots } \). For an isolated molecule of n atoms, the number of vibrational modes (i.e. values of j) is 3n − 5 for linear molecules and 3n − 6 for non-linear ones.[2] In crystals, the vibrational normal modes are commonly known as phonons.
Quantum harmonic oscillator

The most common approximation to the vibrational partition function uses a model in which the vibrational eigenmodes or normal modes of the system are considered to be a set of uncoupled quantum harmonic oscillators. It is a first order approximation to the partition function which allows one to calculate the contribution of the vibrational degrees of freedom of molecules towards its thermodynamic variables.[1] A quantum harmonic oscillator has an energy spectrum characterized by:

\( {\displaystyle E_{j,n}=\hbar \omega _{j}(n_{j}+{\frac {1}{2}})} \)

where j runs over vibrational modes and \( {\displaystyle n_{j}} \) is the vibrational quantum number in the j 'th mode, \( \hbar \) is Planck's constant, h, divided by \( 2\pi \) and \( {\displaystyle \omega _{j}} \) is the angular frequency of the j'th mode. Using this approximation we can derive a closed form expression for the vibrational partition function.

\( {\displaystyle Q_{vib}(T)=\prod _{j}{\sum _{n}{e^{-{\frac {E_{j,n}}{k_{B}T}}}}}=\prod _{j}e^{-{\frac {\hbar \omega _{j}}{2k_{B}T}}}\sum _{n}\left(e^{-{\frac {\hbar \omega _{j}}{k_{B}T}}}\right)^{n}=\prod _{j}{\frac {e^{-{\frac {\hbar \omega _{j}}{2k_{B}T}}}}{1-e^{-{\frac {\hbar \omega _{j}}{k_{B}T}}}}}=e^{-{\frac {E_{ZP}}{k_{B}T}}}\prod _{j}{\frac {1}{1-e^{-{\frac {\hbar \omega _{j}}{k_{B}T}}}}}} \)

where \( {\displaystyle E_{ZP}={\frac {1}{2}}\sum _{j}\hbar \omega _{j}} \) is total vibrational zero point energy of the system.

Often the wavenumber, \( {\tilde {\nu }} \) with units of cm−1 is given instead of the angular frequency of a vibrational mode[2] and also often misnamed frequency. One can convert to angular frequency by using \( {\displaystyle \omega =2\pi c{\tilde {\nu }}} \) where c is the speed of light in vacuum. In terms of the vibrational wavenumbers we can write the partition function as

\( {\displaystyle Q_{vib}(T)=e^{-{\frac {E_{ZP}}{k_{B}T}}}\prod _{j}{\frac {1}{1-e^{-{\frac {hc{\tilde {\nu }}_{j}}{k_{B}T}}}}}} \)


Donald A. McQuarrie, Statistical Mechanics, Harper & Row, 1973

G. Herzberg, Infrared and Raman Spectra, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1945

See also

Partition function (mathematics)


Statistical mechanics

Principle of maximum entropy ergodic theory

Statistical thermodynamics

Ensembles partition functions equations of state thermodynamic potential:
U H F G Maxwell relations


Ferromagnetism models
Ising Potts Heisenberg percolation Particles with force field
depletion force Lennard-Jones potential

Mathematical approaches

Boltzmann equation H-theorem Vlasov equation BBGKY hierarchy stochastic process mean field theory and conformal field theory

Critical phenomena

Phase transition Critical exponents
correlation length size scaling


Boltzmann Shannon Tsallis Rényi von Neumann


Statistical field theory
elementary particle superfluidity condensed matter physics complex system
chaos information theory Boltzmann machine

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