In probability theory and statistics, the normal-inverse-gamma distribution (or Gaussian-inverse-gamma distribution) is a four-parameter family of multivariate continuous probability distributions. It is the conjugate prior of a normal distribution with unknown mean and variance.



\( {\displaystyle x\mid \sigma ^{2},\mu ,\lambda \sim \mathrm {N} (\mu ,\sigma ^{2}/\lambda )\,\!} \)

has a normal distribution with mean \( \mu \) and variance \( \sigma^2 / \lambda \) , where

\( {\displaystyle \sigma ^{2}\mid \alpha ,\beta \sim \Gamma ^{-1}(\alpha ,\beta )\!} \)

has an inverse gamma distribution. Then \( (x,\sigma^2) \) has a normal-inverse-gamma distribution, denoted as

\( (x,\sigma^2) \sim \text{N-}\Gamma^{-1}(\mu,\lambda,\alpha,\beta) \! . \)

( \( \text{NIG} \) is also used instead of \( \text{N-}\Gamma^{-1}.) \)

The normal-inverse-Wishart distribution is a generalization of the normal-inverse-gamma distribution that is defined over multivariate random variables.

Probability density function

\( {\displaystyle f(x,\sigma ^{2}\mid \mu ,\lambda ,\alpha ,\beta )={\frac {\sqrt {\lambda }}{\sigma {\sqrt {2\pi }}}}\,{\frac {\beta ^{\alpha }}{\Gamma (\alpha )}}\,\left({\frac {1}{\sigma ^{2}}}\right)^{\alpha +1}\exp \left(-{\frac {2\beta +\lambda (x-\mu )^{2}}{2\sigma ^{2}}}\right)} \)

For the multivariate form where \( \mathbf{x} \) is \( k\times 1 \) random vector,

\( {\displaystyle f(\mathbf {x} ,\sigma ^{2}\mid \mu ,\mathbf {V} ^{-1},\alpha ,\beta )=|\mathbf {V} |^{-1/2}{(2\pi )^{-k/2}}\,{\frac {\beta ^{\alpha }}{\Gamma (\alpha )}}\,\left({\frac {1}{\sigma ^{2}}}\right)^{\alpha +1+k/2}\exp \left(-{\frac {2\beta +(\mathbf {x} -{\boldsymbol {\mu }})'\mathbf {V} ^{-1}(\mathbf {x} -{\boldsymbol {\mu }})}{2\sigma ^{2}}}\right).} \)

where \( |\mathbf{V}| \) is the determinant of the \( k \times k \) matrix \( \mathbf {V} \) . Note how this last equation reduces to the first form if k k=1 so that \( \mathbf{x}, \mathbf{V}, \boldsymbol{\mu} \) are scalars.

Alternative parameterization

It is also possible to let \( \gamma = 1 / \lambda \) in which case the pdf becomes

\( } {\displaystyle f(x,\sigma ^{2}\mid \mu ,\gamma ,\alpha ,\beta )={\frac {1}{\sigma {\sqrt {2\pi \gamma }}}}\,{\frac {\beta ^{\alpha }}{\Gamma (\alpha )}}\,\left({\frac {1}{\sigma ^{2}}}\right)^{\alpha +1}\exp \left(-{\frac {2\gamma \beta +(x-\mu )^{2}}{2\gamma \sigma ^{2}}}\right)} \)

In the multivariate form, the corresponding change would be to regard the covariance matrix \( \mathbf {V} \) instead of its inverse \( \mathbf {V} ^{-1} \) as a parameter.
Cumulative distribution function

\( {\displaystyle F(x,\sigma ^{2}\mid \mu ,\lambda ,\alpha ,\beta )={\frac {e^{-{\frac {\beta }{\sigma ^{2}}}}\left({\frac {\beta }{\sigma ^{2}}}\right)^{\alpha }\left(\operatorname {erf} \left({\frac {{\sqrt {\lambda }}(x-\mu )}{{\sqrt {2}}\sigma }}\right)+1\right)}{2\sigma ^{2}\Gamma (\alpha )}}} \)

Marginal distributions

Given \( (x,\sigma^2) \sim \text{N-}\Gamma^{-1}(\mu,\lambda,\alpha,\beta) \! . as above, σ 2 {\displaystyle \sigma ^{2}} \sigma ^{2} by itself follows an inverse gamma distribution:

\( \sigma^2 \sim \Gamma^{-1}(\alpha,\beta) \! \)

while \( \sqrt{\frac{\alpha\lambda}{\beta}} (x - \mu) \) follows a t distribution with \( 2 \alpha \) degrees of freedom.

In the multivariate case, the marginal distribution of \( \mathbf {x} \) is a multivariate t distribution:

\( {\displaystyle \mathbf {x} \sim t_{2\alpha }({\boldsymbol {\mu }},{\frac {\beta }{\alpha }}\mathbf {V} ^{-1})\!} \)

Exponential family
Information entropy
Kullback–Leibler divergence
Maximum likelihood estimation

Posterior distribution of the parameters

See the articles on normal-gamma distribution and conjugate prior.
Interpretation of the parameters

See the articles on normal-gamma distribution and conjugate prior.
Generating normal-inverse-gamma random variates

Generation of random variates is straightforward:

Sample σ 2 {\displaystyle \sigma ^{2}} \sigma ^{2} from an inverse gamma distribution with parameters α {\displaystyle \alpha } \alpha and β {\displaystyle \beta } \beta
Sample x {\displaystyle x} x from a normal distribution with mean μ {\displaystyle \mu } \mu and variance σ 2 / λ {\displaystyle \sigma ^{2}/\lambda } \sigma^2/\lambda

Related distributions

The normal-gamma distribution is the same distribution parameterized by precision rather than variance
A generalization of this distribution which allows for a multivariate mean and a completely unknown positive-definite covariance matrix \( \sigma^2 \mathbf{V} \) (whereas in the multivariate inverse-gamma distribution the covariance matrix is regarded as known up to the scale factor \( \sigma ^{2}) \) is the normal-inverse-Wishart distribution

See also

Compound probability distribution


Denison, David G. T. ; Holmes, Christopher C.; Mallick, Bani K.; Smith, Adrian F. M. (2002) Bayesian Methods for Nonlinear Classification and Regression, Wiley. ISBN 0471490369
Koch, Karl-Rudolf (2007) Introduction to Bayesian Statistics (2nd Edition), Springer. ISBN 354072723X

Probability distributions (List)
Discrete univariate
with finite support

Benford Bernoulli beta-binomial binomial categorical hypergeometric Poisson binomial Rademacher soliton discrete uniform Zipf Zipf–Mandelbrot

Discrete univariate
with infinite support

beta negative binomial Borel Conway–Maxwell–Poisson discrete phase-type Delaporte extended negative binomial Flory–Schulz Gauss–Kuzmin geometric logarithmic negative binomial parabolic fractal Poisson Skellam Yule–Simon zeta

Continuous univariate
supported on a bounded interval

arcsine ARGUS Balding–Nichols Bates beta beta rectangular continuous Bernoulli Irwin–Hall Kumaraswamy logit-normal noncentral beta raised cosine reciprocal triangular U-quadratic uniform Wigner semicircle

Continuous univariate
supported on a semi-infinite interval

Benini Benktander 1st kind Benktander 2nd kind beta prime Burr chi-squared chi Dagum Davis exponential-logarithmic Erlang exponential F folded normal Fréchet gamma gamma/Gompertz generalized gamma generalized inverse Gaussian Gompertz half-logistic half-normal Hotelling's T-squared hyper-Erlang hyperexponential hypoexponential inverse chi-squared
scaled inverse chi-squared inverse Gaussian inverse gamma Kolmogorov Lévy log-Cauchy log-Laplace log-logistic log-normal Lomax matrix-exponential Maxwell–Boltzmann Maxwell–Jüttner Mittag-Leffler Nakagami noncentral chi-squared noncentral F Pareto phase-type poly-Weibull Rayleigh relativistic Breit–Wigner Rice shifted Gompertz truncated normal type-2 Gumbel Weibull
discrete Weibull Wilks's lambda

Continuous univariate
supported on the whole real line

Cauchy exponential power Fisher's z Gaussian q generalized normal generalized hyperbolic geometric stable Gumbel Holtsmark hyperbolic secant Johnson's SU Landau Laplace asymmetric Laplace logistic noncentral t normal (Gaussian) normal-inverse Gaussian skew normal slash stable Student's t type-1 Gumbel Tracy–Widom variance-gamma Voigt

Continuous univariate
with support whose type varies

generalized chi-squared generalized extreme value generalized Pareto Marchenko–Pastur q-exponential q-Gaussian q-Weibull shifted log-logistic Tukey lambda

Mixed continuous-discrete univariate

rectified Gaussian

Multivariate (joint)

negative multinomial
generalized Dirichlet
multivariate Laplace
multivariate normal
multivariate stable
multivariate t
inverse matrix gamma
matrix normal
matrix t
matrix gamma


Univariate (circular) directional
Circular uniform
univariate von Mises
wrapped normal
wrapped Cauchy
wrapped exponential
wrapped asymmetric Laplace
wrapped Lévy
Bivariate (spherical)
Bivariate (toroidal)
bivariate von Mises
von Mises–Fisher

Degenerate and singular

Dirac delta function


Circular compound Poisson elliptical exponential natural exponential location–scale maximum entropy mixture Pearson Tweedie wrapped

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