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Xagnanton (Ξάγναντον), Drama
Xanthi (Ξανθή ) Samos
Xeneus (or Xeneus?) from Chios
Xenarchus , leader of the Achaean League
Xenarchus, Comedy author 4th century, BC
Xenarchus, son of Sophron, mimes, around 400 BC
Xenarchus, the philosopher
Xenocleides, Corinthian commander
Xenocles of Messenia, stadion race winner 744 BC
Xenocles Painter (Attic Painter)
Xenocrates of Sicyon
Xenocrates of Acragas, Chariot Race Pindar Isthmia 2 Ode
Xenodice (Xenodike)
Xenophanes of Amphissa in Aetolia, stadion race winner 252 BC
Xenophantes Painter (Attic Painter)
Xenophon : Agesilaus, Anabasis, Hellenica, Hiero , On Horsemanship, On Revenues, The Apology , The Cavalry General, The Economist, The Memorabilia, The Sportsman, The Symposium,
Xenophon of Corinth, stadion race winner 464 BC
Xenophon of Ephesus
Xenophon of Lampsacus
Xenotimus, from Athens, father of Carcinus
Xenotimus Painter
Xerxes, Jacob Abbott
Xinta (Ξήντα ) Samos
Xiropotamos (Ξηροπόταμος ), Drama
Xirovrysi (Ξηρόβρυση ) Evoia
Xylosyrtis (Ξυλοσύρτης ) Samos
Xylouris Antonis (Psarantonis)