Achilles, the famous Greek hero from Thessaly, wearing a so-called composite cuirass, image from a 460-450 BC red figure amphora (the artist is the so-called Achilles Painter), Vatican Museum, inv. 16571.
Cheiron und Achilles, Herculaneum. The Centaur in a position probably anatomical impossible |
Achilles binding the wounds of his friend Patroclus, the son of Menoetius, from a c. 500 BC kylix cup (now in a Museum in Berlin Germany), Sosias Painter, Patroclus wearing a cap used to make the wearing of the helmet more comfortable. Interior and Side View . Patroclos killed later by HectorAchilles bandaging Patroclus, pottery with text ΣΟΣΙΑΣ ΕΠΟΙΗΣΕΝ The names of the two heroes being written round the margin. The left upper arm of Patroclus is injured, and Achilles is bandaging it with a two-rolled bandage, which he is trying to bring down to extend over the elbow. Achilles was not a trained surgeon, and it will be observed, from the position of the two tails of the bandage, that he will have some difficulty when it comes to its final fastening! (Charles Singer ) |
Achilles at thee court of Lycomedes Louvre Ma2120
Achilles and Chiron sarcophagus Terme
Achilles in Lycomedes' court , disguised as a girl testing the sword in Ulysses' pack, Battoni
Achilles defeats Hector, Peter Paul Rubens
Chiron and Achilles, Eugène Ferdinand Victor Delacroix
Wrath of Achilles, Michel Martin Drolling
Priam Asking Achilles to Return Hector's Body, Alexander Ivanov
Achilles, Peter Paul Rubens
Achilles defeates Hector, Peter Paul Rubens
Achilles and Chiron, Gottlieb Schick
Achilles at the Court of Lycomedes, Pompeo Batoni
Achilles among the Daughters of Lycomedes , Erasmus Quellin II
Achilles among the daughters of Lycomedes Jan Boeckhorst
Achilles Discovered among the Daughters of Lycomedes , Gérard de Lairesse
Achilles Handing over to Chiron, Donato Creti
Achilles Lamenting the Death of Patroclus , Gavin Hamilton
Chiron Instructing Achilles in the Bow. Giovanni Battista Cipriani
Education of Achilles. Peter Paul Rubens
Chiron and Achilles, Georg Clement de Swiecinski
Death of Achilles, Peter Paul Rubens
Deploration of Achilles by his mother Thetis and Nereids Corinthian Hydria, c. 560/550 BC, Damon Painter, an overview
See also : Greek Mythology. Paintings, Drawings
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