John H. Twachtman

Die weiße Brücke


My Summer Studio

Tiger Lilies



The White Bridge

A Garden Path

A Summer Day

Abandoned Mill

Abandoned Mill, Branchville, Connecticut,

Afternoon Shadows,

Along the River, Winter

An Early Winter,


Artist's Home in Autumn, Greenwich, Connecticut

Artist's Home Seen from the Back

Artist's House, Greenwich, Connecticut,

Autumn Mists,

Avondale Ohio,


Back of Coney Island, -

Balcony in Winter,

Bark and Schooner (aka An Italian Barque),


Beach at Squam,

Bloody Run,

Boat at Bulkhead,

Boat Landing, -

Boats at Anchor,

Branchville Fields,


Bridge in Winter,


Brook among the Trees, -

Brook in Winter,

Campo Santa Marta,

Canal, Venice,

Canyon in the Yellowstone,

Cincinnati Landscape,

Coastal View,

Coney Island - From Brighton Pier,

Connecticut Landscape,

Connecticut Landscape,

Cos Cob,

Country House in Winter, Cos Cob,

Country Path

Court of Honor, World's Columbian Exposiition,

Dark Trees, Cincinnati,

Dock at Newport,

Dredging in the East River,

Dutch Landscape,

Edge of the Emerald Pool, Yellowstone,

Emerald Pool ,

Emerald Pool,

Enchanted Pool

End of the Pier, New York Harbor,

End of Winter, -


Falls in January,

Farm Scene, -

Figure in a Landscape, -

Fish Sheds and Schooner, Gloucester,

Fish Sheds, Gloucester, Massachusetts,

Fishing Boats at Gloucester,

Flower Garden,

Flower Still Life,



Fog and Small Sailboats

Fountain, World's Fair

French River Scene

From the Upper Terrace

Frozen Brook

Gloucester Boats

Gloucester Harbor

Gloucester Harbor

Gloucester Harbor

Gloucester Schooner


Gloucester, Fishermen's Houses

Gray Day

Greenwich Garden

Harbor Scene

Harbor Scene

Harbor View Hotel

Harbor View


Haystacks at Edge of Woods

Hemlock Pool (aka Autumn)

Hemlock Pool

Holland (aka Windmill in the Dutch Countryside)



Horseneck Falls

House in Snow

House on a Canal, Venice


In the Garden

In the Greenhouse

In the Sunlight


L'Etang (aka The Pond)





Landscape, Tuscany


Last Touch of Sun

Little Giant

May Morn

Meadow Flowers (aka Golden Rod and Wild Asters)

Miami Canal, Cincinnati

Middlebrook Farm

Moonlight, Flanders

Morning Glory Pool, Yellowstone

Mother and Child

Mother and Child

Mouth of the Seine

My House,

My Summer Studio,

Near Paris,

New York Harbor ,

New York Harbor,

Newport Harbor,

Niagara Falls,

Niagara Falls,

Niagara Falls,

Niagara Falls

Niagara Gorge,

Niagara in Winter,

November Haze (aka Upland Pastures),


Old Holley House, Cos Cob,

On the Terrace,

Oyster Boats, North River,

Paradise Rocks, Newport,

Pasture with Barns, Cos Cob

Path in the Hills, Branchville, Connecticut,


Road over the Hill,

Road Scene,

Road Scene, Cincinnati,

Round Hill Road,

Sailing Boats, Dieppe Harbor,

Sailing in the Mist ,

Sailing in the Mist,

San Trovaso Square, Venice,

Scene along a Dutch River,

Sea Scene,

Ship and Dock, Venice,

Snow Scene at Utica,

Snow Scene,

Snow Scene,

Snow Scene


Spring Landscape,

Spring Morning,

Spring Stream



Summer Afternoon,

Summer Landscape


The Artist's House Through the Trees,

The Boat Yard

The Brook, Greenwich, Connecticut (aka Horseneck Falls, Greenwich, Connecticut),

The Cabbage Patch,

The Campanile, Late Afternoon

The Cascade in Spring,

The Cascade,

The Chicago World's Fair, Illinois Building,

The Christmas Tree

The Grand Canal, Venice,

The Hidden Pool,

The Inlet,

The Landing, Newport,

The Ledges,

The Little Bridge,

The Old Mill at Cos Cob,

The Portico,

The Quai, Venice,

The Rainbow`s Source,

The Rapids, Yellowstone,

The Shore,

The Summer House

The Torrent,

The Waterfall,

The White Bridge,

The White Bridge,

The White Bridge,

The Winding Brook,

Tiger Lilies,

Tiger Lilies,

Tiger Lilies,

Tree by a Road,

Trees in a Nursery,

Tuckerman's Ravine,

Tulip Tree, Greenwich,

Tuscan Landscape

Twachtman's Home, Avondale, Ohio,

Twachtman's House,

Under the Wharves,

Venetian Sailing Vessel,



View along a River,

View from the Holley House,

View from the Holley House, Cos Cob, Connecticut,

View from the Holley House, Winter,

View near Polling,

View of Venice,

View of Venice,

Waterfall in Yellowstone,



Waterfall, Blue Brook,

Waterfall, Greenwich,

Waterfall, Yellowstone,

Waterfront Scene - Gloucester,

Waterside Scene,

Weeds and Flowers,

Wild Cherry Tree,

Wild Flowers,



Windmill in the Dutch Countryside,


Windmills, Dordrecht,

Winter Harmony,

Winter in Cincinnati,

Winter Landscape

Winter Landscape with Barn,

Winter Landscape,

Winter Landscape, Cincinnati

Winter Landscape

Winter Scene,

Winter Scene

Winter Silence,


Winter, Gloucester Harbor,

Winter, Mill Creek Valley, Cincinnati,


Woodland Stream in a Winter Landscape

Woodland Stream

Yellowstone Park

Yellowstone Park
John Henry Twachtman (* 4. August 1853 in Cincinnati; † 8. August 1902 in Gloucester, Massachusetts) war ein amerikanischer Maler und Radierer des Impressionismus, besonders Landschaftsbilder.
Seine ersten Unterweisungen erhielt er von Frank Duveneck. Er studierte ab 1875 an der Bayerische Akademie der Schönen Künste in München und in Paris (Académie Julian 1883 bis 1885). Twachtman war Mitglied der Ten American Painters. 1886 kehrte er in die Vereinigten Staaten zurück.
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