
Ο Λορέντσο Λόττο (Lorenzo Lotto, Βενετία περ. 1480 - Λορέτο περ. 1557) ήταν Ιταλός ζωγράφος της βενετικής σχολής και εικονογράφος. Ζωγράφισε κυρίως θρησκευτικά θέματα και πορτρέτα. Παρά το γεγονός ότι η δραστηριότητά του αναπτύχθηκε κατά την εποχή της ύστερης Αναγέννησης, με τις εκκεντρικές του πόζες και παραμορφώσεις θεωρείται ότι αποτελεί έναν από τους εκπροσώπους του μεταβατικού σταδίου προς τον ενετικό και ρωμαϊκό μανιερισμό του 16ου αιώνα.

Christ donating His blood

Sermon of Saint Dominic in Rencanati

Virgin and child with Saints Catherine of Alexandria and James the Elder

Portrait of a goldsmith in three views

Sermon of Saint Dominic in Rencanati

Giovanni Agostino della Torre and his Son, Niccolò

Portrait of Giovanni della Volta with his Wife and Children

The Virgin and Child with Saints

Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome and Nicholas of Tolentino

Madonna with Sts . Jerome and Anthony

Allegory ( Allegory of Virtue and Vice )

Madonna and Child with Two Donors

Madonna and Child with Saints Catherine and Thomas (sacra conversazione)

Alms of St. Anthony

St. Lucia in prayer and farewell of St. Lucia

St. Lucia before the Judge

Madonna Enthroned , St. Peter and St. Christina of Bolsena, St. Liberalis and St. Jerome

Angel pietà

Altarpolyptychon of Recanati , left wing

Altarpolyptychon of Recanati, main panel

Altarpolyptychon of Recanati, main board , crown

Altarpolyptychon of Recanati, right wing

Altarpolyptychon of Recanati, right wing , crown

Altar of San Bartolomeo in Bergamo, main panel

Altar of San Bartolomeo in Bergamo, predella

Altar of San Bartolomeo in Bergamo, predella

Christ's Farewell to Mary



Clothing of St. Clare with the habit

Blessing by St. Clare

Blessing by St. Clare

Blessing by St. Clare

Martyrdom of St. Clare

Martyrdom of St. Clare , detail

St. Jerome in the Desert

St. Jerome in the Desert

St. Jerome in the Desert , detail

St. Catherine of Alexandria

Descent from the Cross


Crucifixion , detail

Madonna with Bishop and St. Onuphrius

Madonna with St. Roch and St. Sebastian

Mary with St. Catherine , St. James and Angel

Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine of Siena

Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine of Siena

Assumption with Saints

Portrait of Laura da Pola

Portrait of Andrea Odoni

Portrait of Bishop Bernardo de ' Rossi

Portrait of Fra Gregorio Belo di Vicenza

Portrait of Messer Marsilio and his wife

Portrait of a woman

Portrait of a Venetian Woman as Lucretia

Portrait of a nobleman

Portrait of a gentleman with gloves

Portrait of a gentleman with a lion's paw

Portrait of a young scholar

Portrait of a young man

Portrait of a young man in front of a white curtain

Portrait of a boy with book

Portrait of a man of 37 years

Presentation of Christ in the Temple

Madonna of the Rosary

Susanna and the Elders

Enthroned Madonna, angels and saints

Enthroned Madonna, angels and saints

Enthroned Madonna and Saints

Transfiguration of Christ


Allegory of chastity


Young man with lance

Head of a bearded man

Portrait of a Bearded Man

Επιλογή έργων

San Girolamo penitente, 1509 (Ο άγιος Ιερώνυμος μετανοών). Ρώμη, Castel Sant'Angelo
Elemosina di sant'Antonino, 1542 (Ελεημοσύνη του αγίου Αντωνίου). Βενετία, Basilica dei Santi Giovanni e Paolo
Giovane malato (Άρρωστος νέος, 1527). Βενετία, Gallerie dell'Accademia
Ritratto di Andrea Odoni, 1527 (Προσωπογραφία του Αντρέα Οντόνι). Χάμπτον Κορτ, Βασιλικές συλλογές
Gesù e l'adultera, 1528 (Ο Ιησούς και η μοιχαλίς). Παρίσι, Μουσείο του Λούβρου



Εγκυκλοπαίδεια Ιταλίας


Αλφαβητικός κατάλογος

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