
Tyche, a drawing based on the work the Tyche of Antiochia of Eutychides of Sicyon, see image below


Tyche of Antioch, Vatican Inv 2672

Eutychides of Sicyon in Achaea, Greek sculptor of the latter part of the 4th century BC, was a pupil of Lysippus. His most noted work was a statue of Fortune (Tyche), which he made for the city of Antioch, then newly founded. The goddess, who embodied the idea of the city, was seated on a rock, crowned with towers, and having the river Orontes at her feet. There is a small copy of the statue in the Vatican. It was imitated by a number of Asiatic cities; and indeed most statues of cities since erected borrow something from the work of Eutychides.

This article incorporates text from the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica, which is in the public domain.


By the statue of Thrasybulus stands Timosthenes of Elis, winner of the foot-race for boys, and Antipater of Miletus, son of Cleinopater, conqueror of the boy boxers. Men of Syracuse, who were bringing a sacrifice from Dionysius to Olympia, tried to bribe the father of Antipater to have his son proclaimed as a Syracusan. But Antipater, thinking naught of the tyrant's gifts, proclaimed himself a Milesian and wrote upon his statue that he was of Milesian descent and the first Ionian to dedicate his statue at Olympia. The artist who made this statue was Polycleitus, while that of Timosthenes was made by Eutychides of Sicyon, a pupil of Lysippus. This Eutychides made for the Syrians on the Orontes an image of Fortune, which is highly valued by the natives.

References about the Tyche of Antiochia


Tobias Dohrn, Die Tyche von Antiochia; 1960

Robert Heidenreich, Die Tyche des des Eutychides; 1968

G. Herzog-Hauser, Tyche und Fortuna, in: Wiener Studien 63 (1948)

B. Fehr, Lectio graeca, lectio orientalis. Überlegungen zur Tyche von Antiochia; in: Visible Religion 7 (1990)

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