Nude Clay figurine representing a woman holding her breasts

Maniera, Cyprus Maniera, Cyprus

1a , 1b,

Clay female figurine of the "Tanagra type"

Maniera, Cyprus Maniera, Cyprus

2a, 2b,

Clay female figurine of the "Tanagra type"

Maniera, Cyprus Maniera, Cyprus

3a, 3b,

Limestone statuette representing a woman

Maniera, Cyprus Maniera, Cyprus

4a, 4b,

Composite jug of Red Polished ware with applied plastic decoration depicting scenes of evryday life

Maniera, Cyprus Maniera, Cyprus Maniera, Cyprus Maniera, Cyprus

5a, 5b, 5c, 5d,

Large glazed dish of sgraffito ware representing a wedding couple

Maniera, Cyprus Maniera, Cyprus

6a, 6b,

Clay figurine representing a horse and a rider

Maniera, Cyprus


Spouted jar of Red on White

Maniera, Cyprus


Bird-shaped askos of Bichrome III

Maniera, Cyprus



Maniera, Cyprus


Bull-shaped rhyton

Maniera, Cyprus


Clay human figure wearing a bull mask

Maniera, Cyprus


Clay figurine representing a man holding a quadruped


Clay figurine representing a chariot group drawn by four horses (tethrippon), mounted by two drivers

Maniera, Cyprus Maniera, Cyprus Maniera, Cyprus

14a, 14b, 14c,

Clay figurine representing a man riding a horse

Maniera, Cyprus Maniera, Cyprus

15a, 15b,

Clay figurine representing a warrior

Maniera, Cyprus Maniera, Cyprus Maniera, Cyprus

16a, 16b, 16c,

Flask Red of Polished I-II

Maniera, Cyprus Maniera, Cyprus

17a, 17b,

Flask od Red on White ware

Maniera, Cyprus Maniera, Cyprus

18a, 18b,

Plate of Bichrome II-III ware

Maniera, Cyprus Maniera, Cyprus

19a, 19b,

Jug of Bichrome IV

Maniera, Cyprus Maniera, Cyprus

20a, 20b,

Saint Mamas

Maniera, Cyprus Maniera, Cyprus

21a, 21b,

Saint Marina

Maniera, Cyprus Maniera, Cyprus

22a, 22b,

Panagia Eleousa (Glykofilousa - Virgin of Tenderness)

Maniera, Cyprus Maniera, Cyprus

23a, 23b,

Saint Timotheos and Saint Mavra

Maniera, Cyprus Maniera, Cyprus

24a, 24b,

Maniera, Cyprus Maniera, Cyprus Maniera, Cyprus

25, 26, 27,

Angel's Gathering

Maniera, Cyprus


Praying Virgin

Maniera, Cyprus Maniera, Cyprus

29a, 29b,

Utter Humiliation

Maniera, Cyprus Maniera, Cyprus

30a, 30b,

Cyprus, Archaeology Images

Maniera Cypria

Evagoras & Kathleen Lanitis Foundation


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