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Aldobrandini Wedding detail: Aphrodite, bride and Dionysus. Master of the Aldobrandini Wedding

Rome, Vatican, Vatican Museums


Aldobrandinischen Hochzeit, Detail: Aphrodite, Braut und Dionysos. Meister der Aldobrandinischen Hochzeit

Rom, Vatikan, Musei Vaticani


The Aldobrandini Wedding (Nozze Aldobrandini) fresco is an influential Ancient Roman painting on display in the Vatican Museum. The fresco was discovered about the year 1600 from the masonry of a house near the Arch of Gallienus on the Esquiline Hill. It was in possession of the Aldobrandini family until 1818, when it was purchased by the Vatican authorities. Until the 19th century, this was one of the few and most influential paintings from the early Roman empire, and generated much interest and scholarship including engravings by Pietro Santi Bartoli (1635–1700), and attention by Winckelmann, Karl Böttiger, and others. There are many elaborate competing interpretations of the scene


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