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Werner van den Valckert

Portrait of a Goldsmith Probably Bartholomeus Jansz van Assendelft Print by Werner van den Valckert

Portrait of a Goldsmith Probably Bartholomeus Jansz van Assendelft

Four Regents and the House Father of the Amsterdam Lepers' Asylum Print by Werner van den Valckert

Four Regents and the House Father of the Amsterdam Lepers' Asylum

Three Regentesses and the House Mother of the Amsterdam Lepers' Asylum Print by Werner van den Valckert

Three Regentesses and the House Mother of the Amsterdam Lepers' Asylum

Charon Print by Attributed to Werner van den Valckert



Laughing Fool Print by Werner van den Valckert

Laughing Fool

Young Couple and Death Print by Werner van den Valckert

Young Couple and Death

Old Couple and Death with Bagpipes Print by Werner van den Valckert

Old Couple and Death with Bagpipes





Werner van den Valckert (um 1585 - nach 1635 [1]) war ein niederländischer Maler und Graveur.


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