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Edward Hicks


Noahs Ark Print by Edward Hicks

Noahs Ark

The Cornell Farm Print by Edward Hicks

The Cornell Farm

Jonathan and David at the Stone Ezel Print by Edward Hicks

Jonathan and David at the Stone Ezel

The Landing of Columbus Print by Edward Hicks

The Landing of Columbus

Penn's Treaty with the Indians Print by Edward Hicks

Penn's Treaty with the Indians

 Penn's Treaty with the Indians 2 Print by Edward Hicks

Penn's Treaty with the Indians 2

The Grave of William Penn Print by Edward Hicks

The Grave of William Penn

The Falls of Niagara Print by Edward Hicks

The Falls of Niagara

The Peaceable Kingdom Print by Edward Hicks

The Peaceable Kingdom

The Peaceable Kingdom Print by Edward Hicks

The Peaceable Kingdom

The Peaceable Kingdom Print by Edward Hicks

The Peaceable Kingdom

Das friedliche Königreich

Das Anwesen von David Twining, 1787

Edward Hicks (* 4. April 1780 in Langhorne, Pennsylvania; † 23. August 1849 in Newton) war ein US-amerikanischer Maler der Stilrichtung Naive Kunst.


Hicks war als Maler und Prediger der Quäker in den Vereinigten Staaten tätig. Eines seiner bekannten Werke ist betitelt Das Königreich des Friedens, ein Motiv, das er über hundertmal in verschiedenen Versionen malte, von denen etwa 62 erhalten sind. Sein Neffe war der Maler Thomas Hicks.
Werke (Auswahl)

Washington at the Delaware, (etwa 1849)

The Residence of David Twining, (1845–1848)

Noah's Ark (1846), Philadelphia Museum of Art

Penn's Treaty (1847), Privatsammlung

The Cornell Farm (1848), National Gallery of Art


Edward Hicks: Memoirs of the Life and Religious Labors of Edward Hicks. Merrihew & Thompson, Philadelphia 1851. Nachdruck: Applewood Books, 2009, ISBN 978-1-4290-1885-2.
Alice Ford: Edward Hicks, Painter of the Peaceable Kingdom. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia 1998, ISBN 0-8122-1675-X.


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